Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hello Everybody,

I'm laughing at myself.  I'm doing the binding on my little wall quilt and I thought everything was going great.  I logged on to to refresh my memory as to the final step.  That's when I realized I had done my corners wrong!  (I was doing it from memory.)
Not sure you can tell from the picture but I flipped the fabric in the wrong direction then stitched the miter down and now I can't fold the binding to the back!  Good thing I know how to use my seam ripper!  I think I'll remember this for a while.

Good night all.  Happy Quilting!


  1. heh. We all do things like this from time to time. Occasionally it ends in a great discovery. :)

  2. I'm just happy I started with the little wall quilt and not the baby quilt I'm working on.
