Wow, it's December already! Why does it always seem to sneak up on me?
I can tell it's winter because I've been bitten by the knitting bug. I bought some Ultra Pima by Cascade back in October. It's a chocolate brown. Yum. There was a pretty shawl made up in the yarn store which I had thought to make. But I'm not concentrating very well when I'm knitting, so I just decided to do a garter stitch. It's hard to fumble that. What I really like about this yarn is the feel of it. It's soft and drapey. I've used one of the two skeins I bought and it's not nearly long enough. More decisions, should I buy more of the same or something to coordinate. I'm thinking a heather or fleck would be nice.

I'm thinking that once it's all done, I'll stitch it into a tube and join the ends for a continuous tube.
I'm linking up with Wool on Sundays, even though this is cotton yarn.
Be creative and stay warm.