Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hello All,

In addition to fabric and paint, I like to play with glass.  About 10 years ago I made a bird of paradise stained glass piece from a Tiffany pattern I simplified to 3 leaves and 2 flowers.

More recently I've taken classes at Phoenix Studio in Portland, Maine.  I have completed a calla lily and am working on a daffodil.  I used the same glass for the border and the inner background pieces.  The leaves and stem of the daffodil and the stem of the calla lily are the same opaque green glass.

I have a book on historical stained glass and there is a piece with 3 white lilies arranged like a fleur de lis.  I really like it and would like to work up a simple pattern to make a third piece with those colors.

The book was published in 1976.
It's full of the history of stained glass from ancient times to contemporary times.


  1. I adore stained glass - since being a little girl sitting in church. I could always while away the time looking at the pretty windows...
    Truly, there is no limit to your talents, Autumn :)

    1. My post below Lorette's comment was meant to be a reply to you but apparently I did something wrong. I'm still learning to blog.

      I feel like I have made friends. Thank you.

  2. Lovely work Autumn! I absolutely adore stained glass and would love to try that art someday! I'm trying to convince my DH to take it up as a hobby in retirement. :)

    1. Maybe if you give it a try DH will be inspired to join you.

  3. I believe that we all have limitless talents, but we tend to block ourselves. Maybe it's the fear of failure, or not being perfect. I don't worry about failing, every failure contains a lesson. The only true failure lies in not trying. As for perfection I don't aim that high. Perfection is unattainable as there is always room for improvement.

    My goal is to have fun and honor my creativity. By honoring my creativity I am honoring God.

    Have fun and be creative.

  4. I love glass and I love birds of paradise! A double win for me, lovely. :)
